Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Day

Sue got you caught up on how we got to Iringa. I had a very good first day and was able to meet with Reuben, who is the office manager for the well drilling project, with Itiweni, who is the accountant that works with the microfinance program here, and with several officers at Tumaini. They have three programming courses planned for me for second term (Introduction to OO programming in Java, Java programming III, and procedural programming C++) . Denise had suggested that I teach a course on Bug Generation but they do not offer that here (actually most schools do not, my training was self study).
I have been having a hard time finding a 3G modem in Iringa, they are out of stock, so do not have easy internet access yet. They are working on our housing and have a car available for us to use. The heavy rains yesterday afternoon suggested it might be nice to have a car instead of waiting outside for a dala dala bus ride. It will also be nice for visiting some villages and a couple national parks. Will have to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road and do some defensive driving, :-).
Today is a National Holiday for Zanzibar Independence Day which is ironic since Zanzibar would like to be independent of Tanzania and even requires you to clear customs with your passport when you enter from the mainland. We will do some shopping and get caught up on email at an internet café.

1 comment:

  1. Dan and Sue,

    I'm so happy for you. Was very caught up with getting back into the flow of things and missed your ret. party.

    Looking forward to seeing some pics.
