Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter in Kilengapasi

I went to a new parish called Kilengapasi with Gary and Carol Langness for Easter.  Kilengapasi was a preaching point of Kilolo parish and is one of the many preaching points that are growing large enough to become new parishes as KKK of Tanzania grows (Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri - Evangelical Lutheran Church, not what you were thinking maybe?).  As we drove up, the pastor came out to meet us and I was surprised to recognize Aid Kasenegala from Kising'a who LCP sponsored in secondary school many years ago.  Aid was studying theology at Tumaini when Sue and I were there and it was great to see him, his wife Ester, and baby boy Holybless.
Aid holding Holybless and his wife Ester standing in front of me.  You can tell I am not Hehe by the way I tower over people. I think the others are extended family.

We went right to the first service because we were a little late and afterwards came back to the pastor house for Chai (tea breakfast).  The small church was full and filled again for the second service.  The second service welcomed new members including four "back sliders" who are former members who slipped and now are being welcomed back into the church.  After that there were 6 baptisms which are popular during Easter services.  Easter Monday is also a national holiday and Gary preached at a service at his partner parish and had 43 baptisms.   One couple wanted to have their child baptized but were not married.  Pastor Nixon told them they must be married first so their wedding was held at 6 AM so the baptism could happen at the 7:30 service.  I have heard of shotgun weddings but this is a first for a shotgun baptism.

Walking into the small church for first service.  A much larger building has been under construction for several years nearby.

Aid presiding in his Parish.

Breakfast Chai between services.
Children's section up front where they sit quietly for a 3 hour service.

New members and back sliders, only the congregation knows which is which.

Baptism line up.

Dancing in a crowded church.

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