Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home on a Saturday Night

It is the weekend which means that Maria and Sele, the gardner, do not come. Jumani and Luk, the guard dog, come every day at 6 PM. Sue and I took it easy today with a relaxing morning watching the many birds and enjoying a sunny morning. We went into town for lunch and to do some shopping. Tomorrow we are having dinner guests, the bega kwa bega group is coming over to see our new house and we are fixing dinner. We had many nice dinners with the group when we were staying in the apartment and it will be nice to have them come here. We bought a couple nice pork tenderloins and will have a vegetable stir fry with the pea pods, baby corn, cauliflower, and green beans from our vegetable box. We will also have mashed potatoes and a salad from Hasty Tasty Too, the fast food restaurant in town. Our vegetable box only had enough lettuce for a couple days (about as long as it would keep) and Hasty Tasty makes a nice clean salad to go that is very reasonable. In fact we were there for lunch where each of us had a avocado salad with lettuce and cucumber (each salad has a whole avocado) and a samosa. For dessert we are going to have custard using Moir's custard powder. Just add the powder and some sugar to milk and cook to make a good tasting custard that we will add some fresh mango to. Moir's custard powder is a South African product and it looks like a keeper.

It is quiet in the new house which gives us time to read and we have satelite TV. I browsed some tonight and there was an interesting segment in english on the impact computer technology is having on a girl's secondary school in Dar by bringing in digital content to schools that don't have enough books. The rest of the channels are usually one of African rap video, Religious programming, soaps, or news. Occasionally, one channel has english news from the US, BBC, or algazeera. We don't watch much TV and most of our news from the internet.

Sue and I skyped my sister Ruth and her husband Fred tonight. Nice to be able to talk and send back video from here for just the price of the internet. We were on for about 45 minutes. Ruth also gets our mail for us from a PO box and the catalogs have not caught up with us yet but I suspect there are a couple container ships in the mid Atlantic with quite a load. Hope for a storm.

We go to bed early here, partly because we get up to let Jumani and Luk out of the gate at 6 when it is still quite dark. Also because a 12 hour shift is a little long for young Luk and he starts crying between 4:30 and 5 AM. Some mornings he more or less cries continually until it is time to go. Then he is rarin to go and pulls Jumani like a sled dog. I suspect he must get fed in the morning but part of it is he is young and active.

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