Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A House Worth Waiting For

The house that the Finnish professor had been staying in with his family opened up the beginning of March and we were able to move in on Sue’s birthday as a present from the owner ( The final paperwork was still going through approvals). We were very fortunate to be able to stay in the Bega Kwa Bega apartment our first two months. Everyone was very gracious to us and helped us learn our way around Iringa as a resident instead of the tourists we have been in the past. There is a shortage of available housing in Iringa because there are a large number of people here for a Danish road construction project as well as rapid growth in Iringa.
The house is new and Tomi’s family was the first to live in it. There is an interesting foot path to campus that crosses boulders on a small river. The road to it is very bad but fortunately Tumaini has provided us with a Toyota Land Cruiser that I fit in easily and can negotiate the road. It is great to be close to campus now with the term starting up and with our own kitchen we will not eat out as much, especially since we are about 5 miles from town where most of the restaurants are.

The House, on a hillside with rocky hills all around:

The living Room, actually has satelite TV that carries some US and BBC news broadcasts. Most of the african programming is religious or soaps:

The Dining Room:

The kitchen, small but adequate with a nice gas stove. The steel cylinder is a filter that we pass boiled water through for drinking and cooking:

The bedroom, bed is not as long as I am but most aren't. Fortunately there is no footboard but we still have to get the mosquito net down:

The car, has 200,000 miles on it but is rugged:


  1. Dan and Sue,

    Thought you guys were going to have to "rough it" over there!
