Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mama Miho's

We have been shopping at Mama Miho's grocery the past few months. Her store is away from downtown and has better prices and warmer customer service. Her store is like the others in town, packed to the ceiling with inventory, and we have found that we can get pretty much anything we are looking for. The only food item I would bring in the future would be spices, except for pepper and cinnamon in the market, we do not get penzies quality spices here. Most of the merchandise in the groceries comes from outside Tanzania, although they do have a good dairy here for milk and yogurt and a local cheese. I made spaghetti the other night with fresh tomatoes, green pepper, and onion from the market but the rest was spaghetti from Iran, tomato paste from Oman, dried basil packed in Kenya, olive oil from Spain, and cookies for dessert from South Africa. This is typical because the Tanzanian economy is so agriculture based. Fresh produce they do well and we have been having the best avocados I have ever seen, perfect texture and you can peel them like bananas.

Mama Miho, the helper in back doesn't realize his picture is being taken so he is smiling. The bag behind Mama Miho is ugali flour which we buy sometimes for Sele, our gardener. Notice how nicely the carton of eggs is packaged ready for the bumpy road back to our house.

Oops, he saw the camera. The Ceres cartons behind him are a wide assortment of fruit juices from South Africa which are very good. We like passion fruit best.

Woman selling rice cakes outside of Mama Miho's. She is smiling because when I asked if I could take a picture she said yes for elfu moja (1000 shillings). I said, will you smile for a 1000 shillings? The cakes are 150 shillings each and taste great but cannot be good for you. She is cooking over charcoal like most Tanzanians and said she would get a coke.

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