Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kising'a Visit

We went to Kising'a last Friday for a visit before we leave Iringa on June 27th. Bariki came with us along with a couple students LCP has sponsored through Secondary School. Aid Kasenegala is now studying to be a pastor at Tumaini and Anna is looking to go to Teacher's College. We had a wonderful reception as always and had "our" room with its custom made extra long bed.

We took Bariki's sister and new baby to see the grandparents in Lulanzi for the first time. From left to right, Anna, Bariki's sister, Aid, Bariki's parents, wazungu, and Bariki. The picture nicely demonstrates the cultural differences in photo posing between Tanzania and the US. A second photo was identical.

Greetings on arrival, it is always handy to have your air intake 5 feet off the ground in case you need to drive through 4 feet of water.

Dancing in Church. Fortunately for the members, Aid gave the sermon so Sue or I did not have to. They seem happy about it.

After church, we purchased firewood and parachichi (avocados) at the auction. Sue is showing that she can carry firewood Hehe style. Just after this picture was taken the professional on the left took over and sprinted our wood back to the house.

The Secondary school is building a dam for a ram pump to pump water up to the school using hydrostatic pressure. The earth dam is temporary so they can build a concrete dam below. It has a ways to go for height yet. We saw a ram pump in Madisi.

For the first time we were in Kising'a for Market Day, when trucks full of merchandise come up from Iringa to sell to the village. This is a way to service villages who have no stores other than small duka's selling some food items.

Kising'a Starbucks ready for customers:

The Market with one of the best customers, even bigger than you see here:

All these people in town means it is slaughter day. A pile of cow on banana leaves butchered with an axe and sold by the kilo.

If Obama's current job doesn't work out, he can always fall back on his line of Obama Jeans. The Michael Jackson jeans should be fading.

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